English CDs (801)

1 John 1:9
1 John 1:9
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
10 Reasons It’s Better to Have the Holy Spirit  - CD Album
10 Reasons It’s Better to Have the Holy Spirit - CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching 10 Reasons It’s Better to Have the Holy Spirit, discover how having the Holy Spirit inside you is better than having Jesus next to you!
20 Years of Increase - CD
20 Years of Increase - CD
You have an image of who you are and what you can do. That image is also a ceiling, or limit, on what God can do in your life.
2020 Vision
2020 Vision
2020 Vision
A Better Covenant – Gal 3:19-5:2
A Better Covenant – Gal 3:19-5:2
A Better Covenant – Gal 3:19-5:2
A Better Redemption
A Better Redemption
This is the last CD from the album "Redemption". Your understanding will determine what you are able to receive from God, here and now.
A Better Way to Pray Audio Book
A Better Way to Pray Audio Book
Prayer is something that every Christian knows they need to do, but very few feel like they are successful at it.
A Christian Perspective On Terrorism
A Christian Perspective On Terrorism
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A Christian Perspective On War
A Christian Perspective On War
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A Good Heart
A Good Heart
The Bible has a lot to say about the heart. Many people recognize that their hearts aren't sensitive to God the way they should be, but they don't realize the connection their hearts have with their imaginations and their attitudes of being thankful and g
A Place Called "There"
A Place Called "There"
The Lord told Elijah to hide by the Brook Cherith. He HAD commanded the ravens to feed him THERE. His provision would be found where God told him to go.
A Sure Foundation CD Album
A Sure Foundation CD Album
God's Word has to be the foundation of everything a Christian believes.
Abide in the True Vine - Single CD
Abide in the True Vine - Single CD
Abide in the True Vine - Single CD
Abiding In The Vine
Abiding In The Vine
Many times we feel pressured that we have to do something to get God to do something. All we have to do is labor to rest in His completed work.
What's it all about? Is it choice, is it convenience, is it necessity?
Abundance – CD Album (Carrie Pickett)
Abundance – CD Album (Carrie Pickett)
Abundance – CD Album (Carrie Pickett)
Admitted Into Grace
Admitted Into Grace
Admitted Into Grace
Aggressive Authority
Aggressive Authority
Whether or not we have authority is not the only issue. The manner in which we assert our authority is all important. Lawbreakers don't automatically submit to the police.
All Things Work Together....
All Things Work Together....
Andrew discusses the right and wrong uses of Romans 8:28, which says God works all things together for good.
Andrew's Personal Testimony
Andrew shares his personal testimony of how God changed his life.
Andrew's Personal Testimony
Andrew shares his personal testimony of how God changed his life.
Anger Management
Anger Management
Every person deals with anger. But are we dealing with our anger according to God's Word?
Anger Toward God, Others, And Self
Anger Toward God, Others, And Self
In this final teaching in the series of Anger Management, Andrew gives antidotes for anger that is directed toward God, others, and ourselves. 
Applying Discipleship To Abortion
Applying Discipleship To Abortion
Many Christians aren't convinced that life begins at conception. It's one way they don't observe all things Jesus commanded.
Applying Discipleship To Creation #1
Applying Discipleship To Creation #1
Christians who don't believe God's Word about creation might as well throw their entire Bibles out the window!
Applying Discipleship To Creation #2
Applying Discipleship To Creation #2
Christians who don't believe God's Word about creation might as well throw their entire Bibles out the window!
Applying Discipleship To Creation #3
Applying Discipleship To Creation #3
Christians who don't believe God's Word about creation might as well throw their entire Bibles out the window!
Applying Discipleship To Homosexuality
Applying Discipleship To Homosexuality
Many Christians aren't convinced that life begins at conception. It's one way they don't observe all things Jesus commanded.
Are You Listening To The Critics?
Are You Listening To The Critics?
This is the third CD from the album "Discipleship Evangelism".
Are you Satisfied with Jesus?
Are you Satisfied with Jesus?
Adam and Eve became dissatisfied with perfection. They believed they needed to be more like God when the truth was that they were already like God. Their hunger wasn't based in reality but in perception. Jesus' disciples weren't satisfied with Jesus.
Are You Satisfied With Jesus? CD Album
Are You Satisfied With Jesus? CD Album
Learn to go beyond your feelings and emotions and seek God in the spirit.
As I Have Loved You
As I Have Loved You
Before you can give God's love, you need to first understand it and receive it.
Assuring The Heart
Assuring The Heart
Disc 5 of the CD album "Who Told You That You Were Naked?"
Authority Comes From The Law
Authority Comes From The Law
All authority in the natural comes from laws. Police would be powerless if they were not enforcing laws.
Battle Is In Your Mind
Battle Is In Your Mind
Our battle is not against external forces. Our battle with the devil is right between our ears. If we can win the battle for our thoughts, we can defeat the devil.
Be A Doer Of The Word
Be A Doer Of The Word
Most people know more of the Word of God than what they act on. It's not hearers, but the doers of the Word who win.
Be a Giver of Faith - Single CD
Be a Giver of Faith - Single CD
Be a Giver of Faith - Single CD
Be a Living Sacrifice - Single CD
Be a Living Sacrifice - Single CD
Be a Living Sacrifice - Single CD
Be Dependent on God - Single CD
Be Dependent on God - Single CD
Be Dependent on God - Single CD
Be Of Good Cheer
Be Of Good Cheer
In Matthew 14, before the Lord stilled the storm or righted the boat, He told His disciples to be of good cheer. In scriptural terminology, He told them to believe first, and then deliverance would come. Everyone wants the victory, but not everyone is wil
Be Patient
Be Patient
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
Be Prepared
Be Prepared
There's an old saying, "Fail to prepare and you're preparing to fail." That is certainly true when it comes to temptation.
Be Spiritually Minded
Be Spiritually Minded
Be Spiritually Minded
Be Thankful
Be Thankful
Thankfulness magnifies God (Ps. 69:30). It is impossible to glorify God truly without being thankful, and it is impossible to be truly thankful without glorifying God. They go hand in hand.
Becoming A Living Sacrifice
Becoming A Living Sacrifice
Do you think that becoming a living sacrifice means giving up everything you've ever wanted? Most people do. It's time to learn the truth.
Beginning Of Knowledge And Wisdom
Beginning Of Knowledge And Wisdom
Any knowledge or wisdom that doesn't have God as its foundation is foolish.
Believer's Authority - CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching The Believer’s Authority, learn what happens when you stand on the power God gave you.
Better Way To Pray - CD Album
Better Way To Pray - CD Album
Not getting the results you desire? Consider changing directions; maybe there is A Better Way to Pray.
Bless The Lord At All Times
Bless The Lord At All Times
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Blessing Of God
Blessing Of God
What is the blessing exactly? This is key to receiving God's best.
Book Of Job
Book Of Job
Why did all the problems come upon Job? Where did they come from? Who did they come from?
Book Of Job (Part 2)
Book Of Job (Part 2)
Why did all the problems come upon Job? Where did they come from? Who did they come from?
Bridge the Gap
Bridge the Gap
Bridge the Gap
Campus Days April ‘24 – CD Album
Campus Days April ‘24 – CD Album
Encounter God, Unleash Your Potential
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - C Erickson - Year 3: Worship School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - C Erickson - Year 3: Worship School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - C Erickson - Year 3: Worship School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - D Bennett - Year 3: Global Training/Leadership
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - D Bennett - Year 3: Global Training/Leadership
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - D Bennett - Year 3: Global Training/Leadership
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - E Muren - Year 3: Film & Production
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - E Muren - Year 3: Film & Production
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - E Muren - Year 3: Film & Production
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - G Mohr / A Speights - Year 3: Ministry School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - G Mohr / A Speights - Year 3: Ministry School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - G Mohr / A Speights - Year 3: Ministry School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - K Conrad - Year 3: Business School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - K Conrad - Year 3: Business School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - K Conrad - Year 3: Business School
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - R Harris - Year 3: Practical Government
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - R Harris - Year 3: Practical Government
Campus Days April ‘24 Workshop - R Harris - Year 3: Practical Government
Cares of This World
Cares of This World
Recorded from the TV broadcast.
Change Comes From The Word
Change Comes From The Word
In Romans 12:2, the word "transformed" was translated from the Greek word metamorphoo, from which our word "metamorphosis" comes. If you want to be transformed in the same way that a worm becomes a butterfly, then renew your mind through the Word of God,
Christian First Aid Kit I
Christian First Aid Kit I
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Christian First Aid Kit II
Christian First Aid Kit II
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Christian First Aid Kit III
Christian First Aid Kit III
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Christian First Aid Kit IV
Christian First Aid Kit IV
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Christian First Aid Kit V
Christian First Aid Kit V
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Christian First Aid Kit VI
Christian First Aid Kit VI
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Christian First-Aid Kit
Christian First-Aid Kit
When you're facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled."
Christian Philosophy - CD Album
Christian Philosophy - CD Album
Everyone views life through a filter. That's your philosophy, and it controls the outcome of your life.
Christian Survival Kit
Christian Survival Kit
What we need to know to keep us from being overcome during crisis situations.
Christians and Politics
Christians and Politics
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Christians and Politics - Interview with D Barton and M Cowart
Christians and Politics - Interview with D Barton and M Cowart
Interview with D Barton and M Cowart
Christmas with the Murens – CD Album
Christmas with the Murens – CD Album
Experience the Spirit of Christmas Through Story and Song
Church Discipline
Church Discipline
Church Disciple is a topic of which many people have had bad experiences. What does the bible teach on this subject?
Church, Ministry, and Pastoral Issues
Church, Ministry, and Pastoral Issues
Church, Ministry, and Pastoral Issues
Come To The End Of Your Self
Come To The End Of Your Self
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
Complete Forgiveness
Complete Forgiveness
You can expect God to treat you the same way He treats Jesus. In this teaching, find out why God will treat you this way. 
Condemnation & Righteousness
Condemnation & Righteousness
Jesus said, "To whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little" (Luke 7:47). Does that mean that those who have lived good lives are not able to love the Lord as much as those who have been great sinners? That would be the logical conclusion if we compar
Continue in the Word
Continue in the Word
Continue in the Word - CD
Could I be the Problem?
Could I be the Problem?
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Count the Cost
Count the Cost
Count the Cost - CD
Covenant Of God - CD Album by Paul Milligan
Covenant Of God - CD Album by Paul Milligan
Covenant Of God - CD Album by Paul Milligan
Covenant Of Grace - CD by Paul Milligan
Covenant Of Grace - CD by Paul Milligan
Covenant Of Grace - CD by Paul Milligan
Creation Vs. Evolution Part 1
Creation Vs. Evolution Part 1
Is our earth 6,000 years old, or is it billions of years old? Is the theory of evolution true, partly true, or completely wrong?
Creation Vs. Evolution Part 2
Creation Vs. Evolution Part 2
Is our earth 6,000 years old, or is it billions of years old? Is the theory of evolution true, partly true, or completely wrong?
Creation Vs. Evolution Part 3
Creation Vs. Evolution Part 3
Is our earth 6,000 years old, or is it billions of years old? Is the theory of evolution true, partly true, or completely wrong?
Crisis And Miracles
Crisis And Miracles
When you're in a crisis and you hope for a miracle, is that God's best? Or could there be a way to avoid the crisis in the first place? The answer to this question will change the way you relate to God.
Cultivating an Unlimited Imagination - CD
Cultivating an Unlimited Imagination - CD
You have an image of who you are and what you can do. That image is also a ceiling, or limit, on what God can do in your life.
Daily Devotional Prayer
Daily Devotional Prayer
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Dallas Conference November
Dallas Conference November '24 - CD Album
Find Truth. Experience God. Be Transformed.
Dating And Marriage
Dating And Marriage
This teaching is talking about God's plan for dating. This information applies to everyone, even if you are already married. We have to renew our minds to God's system of dating. What we have accepted as normal isn't what God intended for us. 
David And Bathsheba
David And Bathsheba
David was a great man of God, but he blew it as badly as any person in Scripture.
David Fixed His Heart
David Fixed His Heart
David, a man after God's own heart (1 Sam. 13:14), prepared his heart in advance for adversity; his heart was unwaveringly fixed on God. Listen as Andrew explains how you, like David, can so fix your heart on God that storms have no effect.
David Wasn
David Wasn't God's First Choice
It is encouraging to see how wonderfully God used David and yet realize that David wasn't God's first choice.
Dead To Sin, Alive To God
Dead To Sin, Alive To God
Dead To Sin, Alive To God
Dealing with Offenses
Dealing with Offenses
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Dealing with Offenses When All Else Fails
Dealing with Offenses When All Else Fails
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Defeating Doubt
Defeating Doubt
Jesus said this parable of the sower sowing seed was the key to understanding all His parables (Mark 4:13). Until we understand the truths of the importance of God's Word which this parable is teaching, we will never see desired change in our lives.
Delivered From Condemnation
Delivered From Condemnation
Delivered From Condemnation
Demonstrate the Power of God
Demonstrate the Power of God
Demonstrate the Power of God
Dependence on God -  Andrew Wommack
Dependence on God - Andrew Wommack
Dependence on God - Andrew Wommack
Dependence On God with Dr Dobson
Dependence On God with Dr Dobson
Andrew interviews Dr James Dobson
Depending On The Spirit
Depending On The Spirit
Jesus didn't begin His ministry or work a single miracle until the Holy Spirit came upon Him. If that were true for Jesus, then isn't it the height of arrogance to believe we can govern our own lives? It's important to understand this.
Developing Your Hope
Developing Your Hope
Once we understand what hope is and what it can do, how do we develop it? If we can learn to understand the relationship between our hope, our imagination, and our understanding, it can truly make us "stronger than horseradish."
Discipleship Evangelism
Discipleship Evangelism
Conversion is a one-time experience; discipleship is a lifelong journey.
Discipleship: The Path to Freedom
Discipleship: The Path to Freedom
Jesus came to make you His disciple. Let Andrew show you how to walk the path today.
Discover The Keys To Staying Full Of God
Discover The Keys To Staying Full Of God
Many Christians vacation in God’s love, but they don’t live there. Andrew will show you the four keys to staying full of God and the truth of what God’s unconditional love and grace have already provided.
Do You Need More Faith?
Do You Need More Faith?
Jesus' disciples asked Him to increase their faith. Jesus responded by saying they didn't need more faith. They just needed to use what they had. All Christians have actually been given the same faith as Jesus. We don't have a faith problem. We just don't
Do You Recognize Jesus?
Do You Recognize Jesus?
On resurrection day, as two of Jesus' disciples were on the road to Emmaeus, they talked about the reports they had heard of Jesus being raised from the dead. While they spoke, Jesus Himself came to them, but they didn't recognize Him. It wasn't because H
Doing What
Doing What's In Your Hand - CD by Paul Milligan
Doing What's In Your Hand - CD by Paul Milligan
Don't Limit God
Discover the biggest hindrances to what God wants to do in your life and how to stop them!
Don't Panic, Believe
The first thing to do when a crisis comes is get a hold of your emotions. Learn how to control your emotions instead of letting them control you.
Don't Settle For Less
Have you settled for less than God's best? If you have, you're not alone. Listen as Andrew explains the reason so many believers are living in mediocrity and afraid to raise their expectations.
Don’t Limit God: Twenty Years Later - CD series
Don’t Limit God: Twenty Years Later - CD series
You have an image of who you are and what you can do. That image is also a ceiling, or limit, on what God can do in your life.
Dwelling In God
Dwelling In God's Presence - CD Album
Most of the promises of God, probably more than you realise, are conditional upon abiding in His presence.
Effect Of Praise On The Believer
Effect Of Praise On The Believer
This teaching opens the truths of God's Word to show how praise is essential to the spiritual health of a Christian. Praise is God's antidote and prevention for depression. Praise produces peace. 
Effect Of Praise On The Devil
Effect Of Praise On The Devil
Praise to God is power that stops the devil dead in his tracks. Satan's original sin was to want the praise reserved for God alone. He is insanely jealous of God. When we give the Lord our worship and praise, Satan flees in revulsion. Isn't that great!&nb
Effect Of Praise On The Lord
Effect Of Praise On The Lord
Most Christians have not realized the profound effect that praise has on God. As we express our love through praise and worship, God gets blessed. That's what the Scriptures mean when they tell us to bless the Lord. 
Effortless Change - CD Album
Effortless Change - CD Album
We need to change. But how? The Word is the seed that can change your life.
Elijah's Downfall
Elijah succeeded as no other prophet. He started and ended a drought, multiplied food, raised a person from the dead, called fire down from heaven, and caused an entire nation to turn back to God.
Elijah's Replacement
We don't have to learn everything by hard knocks. The Lord said that His dealings with people, recorded in His Word, were written for us to learn by their examples (1 Cor. 10:6, 11).
Elijah's Translation
At the end of his life, Elijah only did two of the three things God asked him to do. Yet, he was translated into heaven by a whirlwind, escaping a natural death. There are some great lessons to be learned here.
End of Self is the Beginning of God
End of Self is the Beginning of God
As long as we are self confident, we will not be strong believers. Why? Because we think we can handle things. Any dependence on self will dilute our total trust in God's power. It's only when we put faith in what the Lord has done for us, independent of
Enemies Of The Cross
Enemies Of The Cross
The cross has enemies, but it may surprise you to learn who they are. The Apostle Paul had a sure cure for these people, and although it wasn't implemented, it reflected the severity of the false doctrine that was being taught. 
Essence of the Gospel
Essence of the Gospel
The Gospel isn't just fact about what Jesus did for us but how to receive what He did for us. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Salvation includes more than forgiveness of sins. All we have to do is believe what Jesus did for us. 
Eternal Life - Single CD
Eternal Life - Single CD
In his Eternal Life teaching, Andrew presents scripture to help you understand what eternal life really is.
Eternal Redemption
Eternal Redemption
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Spirit, Soul & Body, learn how to see yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit.
Eternal, Not Momentary Redemption
Eternal, Not Momentary Redemption
This is the second CD from the album "Redemption". Your understanding will determine what you are able to receive from God, here and now.
European Ministers Conference 2016
European Ministers Conference 2016
Listen as Andrew teaches at the annual European Ministers conference hosted by Charis Walsall.
European Ministers Conference 2017
European Ministers Conference 2017
Listen as Andrew teaches at the annual European Ministers conference hosted by Charis Walsall.
European Ministers Conference 2018
European Ministers Conference 2018
Listen as Andrew Wommack and Bob Yandian teach at the annual European Ministers conference, hosted by Charis Walsall.
European Ministers Conference 2020 CD Album
European Ministers Conference 2020 CD Album
Listen as Andrew Wommack & Bob Yandian teach at the annual European Ministers conference, hosted by Charis Walsall.
European Ministers Conference 2022 - CD Album
European Ministers Conference 2022 - CD Album
Take a listen to Andrew and friends as they edify and encourage you who have been giving to the body of Christ.
European Ministers
European Ministers' Conference 2019
Listen as Andrew Wommack, Bob Yandian and Billy Epperhart teach at the annual European Ministers conference, hosted by Charis Walsall.
Every Praise
Every Praise
Experience the anointed worship that guests enjoy at AWM conferences and Gospel Truth events, where miracles happen and lives are transformed!
Every Thought Unto Obedience
Every Thought Unto Obedience
In this teaching, Andrew explains the importance of watching what we think about and taking every thought captive. Being carnally minded will only produce death. We can choose to dominate our thoughts with the Word of God and have only life and peace. Lea
Everyone Has A Destiny
Everyone Has A Destiny
Did God create every person with a specific purpose? If He did, then do we have a part to play, or will God, in His sovereignty, just make it happen? 
In this teaching, Andrew converses with Pastor Bruce Potter concerning the facts of evolution. Evolution is not a scientific fact. There is more scientific evidence to prove creation than there is to prove evolution. This teaching brings up many of those
Excellence - CD Album
Excellence - CD Album
You can choose to have an excellent spirit.
Excellence Acts With Humility
Excellence Acts With Humility
Excellence Acts With Humility
Excellence Doesn
Excellence Doesn't Compromise
Excellence Doesn't Compromise
Excellence Is Bold
Excellence Is Bold
Excellence Is Bold
Faith / It
Faith / It's Not All Spiritual / Grace and Faith
Faith / It's Not All Spiritual / Grace and Faith
Faith And Humility
Faith And Humility
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Faith Builders
Faith Builders
Andrew shares foundational faith-truths that the Lord has revealed to him.
Faith Is Based on Knowledge
Faith Is Based on Knowledge
Faith is not really as elusive as it seems. In fact, we don't have a faith problem; we have a knowledge problem. Second Peter 1:3 says, "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledg
Faith Is Voice Activated / Don
Faith Is Voice Activated / Don't Limit God / Imagination
Faith Is Voice Activated / Don't Limit God / Imagination
Faith Love And War
Faith Love And War
Teachings from the Scriptures on what a Christian response should be to the ungodliness that threatens to destroy America.
Faith Righteousness
Faith Righteousness
Faith Righteousness
Faith vs. Works – Gal 3:4-19
Faith vs. Works – Gal 3:4-19
Faith vs. Works – Gal 3:4-19
Faith Without Works Is Dead
Faith Without Works Is Dead
The Bible says that faith without works is dead. In this teaching, Andrew explains how faith and works operate as a unified whole. He also shares about the many snares one can get trapped in when this concept is not applied properly. This will give you a
What is the purpose of fasting, and how do you do it? Andrew answers these questions and gives a general teaching on the subject. Fasting doesn't change God, but it changes you. Fasting is a way to make you sensitive to the things of God. 
Fatherhood - CD by Paul Milligan
Fatherhood - CD by Paul Milligan
Fatherhood - CD by Paul Milligan
Fear of Risk
Fear of Risk
Recorded from the TV broadcast.
Fear of Success
Fear of Success
Recorded from the TV broadcast.
Fearing God = Hating Evil
Fearing God = Hating Evil
What does it really mean to hate evil? What should our response be to the presence of evil, and how does that relate to fearing God? Jesus twice used a whip to release His anger. Why was that the behaviour of a God of love?
Fighting with Peace – CD Album (Carrie Pickett)
Fighting with Peace – CD Album (Carrie Pickett)
Step into your place of authority and see God's peace impact your life!
Financial Stewardship - CD Album
Financial Stewardship - CD Album
Learn how to handle money God’s way in Andrew Wommack’s teaching Financial Stewardship and discover the greatest use of your resources!
Follow The Peace
Follow The Peace
What exactly is the peace of God? How do we follow it, and how do we separate what we perceive as peace from our own selfish desires? These are a few of the questions Andrew answers in this message.
Following The Desires Of Your Heart
Following The Desires Of Your Heart
Wouldn't it be great if fulfilling your destiny just meant following your heart, going anywhere, and doing anything you want? You may be surprised to learn that's exactly the way God wants it.
Forgiveness, Isn
Forgiveness, Isn't There a Limit?
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Foundations Of Grace
Foundations Of Grace
Understanding the Gospel, which is the grace of God, is what will release the power of God in your life. The only way to get into error is by not putting your faith in Jesus. This teaching starts going through Romans to show that every person needs a Savi
Four Basics of Hearing God’s Voice - CD Album
Four Basics of Hearing God’s Voice - CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Four Basics of Hearing God’s Voice, learn how to improve your relationship with God and live a victorious life.
Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity – CD Album
Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity – CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity, learn about the basic things needed to go from being a baby in Christ to a full-grown, mature believer.
Free from Homosexuality: Janet Boynes Interview Part 1
Free from Homosexuality: Janet Boynes Interview Part 1
Free from Homosexuality: Janet Boynes Interview Part 1
Free from Homosexuality: Janet Boynes Interview Part 2
Free from Homosexuality: Janet Boynes Interview Part 2
Free from Homosexuality: Janet Boynes Interview Part 2
Free from the Law
Free from the Law
Free from the Law
Fruit, Not Failure Glorifies God
Fruit, Not Failure Glorifies God
In a crisis, you must believe that it is God's will for you to prosper. Doubting God's willingness for you to succeed will kill your faith.
Fruitfulness / Comforted to Comfort / Sin, Righteousness, Judgment
Fruitfulness / Comforted to Comfort / Sin, Righteousness, Judgment
Fruitfulness / Comforted to Comfort / Sin, Righteousness, Judgment
Fulfilling God’s Will – Gal 5:22-6:18
Fulfilling God’s Will – Gal 5:22-6:18
Fulfilling God’s Will – Gal 5:22-6:18
Galatians – CD Album
Galatians – CD Album
Andrew’s teaching Galatians will show you how to walk out your faith with God the way He meant for you to in His New Covenant!
Get Clear Direction from God
Get Clear Direction from God
Get Clear Direction from God
Get Out Of The Boat
Get Out Of The Boat
If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat. The boat symbolizes safety. We've got to be willing to leave the comfort and security of the natural to become supernatural. You will have all the people who remain in the boat criticize you
Give God The Glory
Give God The Glory
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Global Min. Conference ‘24 Workshop - Forever Free - Experiencing Freedom in Every Area of Your Life
Global Min. Conference ‘24 Workshop - Forever Free - Experiencing Freedom in Every Area of Your Life
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - M & J Machen - Activating Prophecy and Healing in Your Ministry
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Achieving Your Ministry Vision: Steps to Success
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Achieving Your Ministry Vision: Steps to Success
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - G Fritz - Achieving Your Ministry Vision: Steps to Success
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Activating Prophecy and Healing in Your Ministry
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Activating Prophecy and Healing in Your Ministry
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - J Garcia & D Capra - Activating Prophecy and Healing in Your Ministry
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Cultivating and Leading a Supernatural Culture
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Cultivating and Leading a Supernatural Culture
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - D Skelton & G Mohr - Cultivating and Leading a Supernatural Culture
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Establishing a Wealth Culture
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Establishing a Wealth Culture
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - D Briggs & D Metcalfe - Establishing a Wealth Culture
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Marketplace Influence
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - Marketplace Influence
Global Ministers Conference ‘24 Workshop - C Carr - Marketplace Influence
Global Ministers Conference 2023 - CD Album
Global Ministers Conference 2023 - CD Album
Celebrating 40 Years of Ministering to Ministers
Global Ministers Conference 2024 - CD Album
Global Ministers Conference 2024 - CD Album
Uniting Ministers, Igniting Vision, Strengthening Faith
Glorify God
Glorify God
The first thing that has to happen to maintain our touch from God is that we have to glorify God. This is speaking of valuing God and what He has done in our lives above everything else.
Go With The Flow
Go With The Flow
Go With The Flow
Goal of the Cross – CD Album
Goal of the Cross – CD Album
Receive 5 hours of powerful Biblical teaching where you will dig deeper into knowing who you are in Christ, what you possess, and how you can declare it.
God and Country -  America’s Hope for the Future Part I [Disc 11]
God and Country - America’s Hope for the Future Part I [Disc 11]
God and Country - America’s Hope for the Future Part I [Disc 11]
God and Country -  America’s Hope for the Future Part II [Disc 12]
God and Country - America’s Hope for the Future Part II [Disc 12]
God and Country - America’s Hope for the Future Part II [Disc 12]
God and Country -  Black History Month [Disc 10]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 10]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 10]
God and Country -  Black History Month [Disc 7]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 7]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 7]
God and Country -  Black History Month [Disc 8]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 8]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 8]
God and Country -  Black History Month [Disc 9]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 9]
God and Country - Black History Month [Disc 9]
God And Country - CD Album
God And Country - CD Album
How to restore America to its godly heritage and what it originally was.
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 4]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 4]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 4]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 5]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 5]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 5]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 6]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 6]
God and Country - Thanksgiving [Disc 6]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 1]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 1]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 1]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 2]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 2]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 2]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 3]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 3]
God and Country - The Foundation [Disc 3]
God Has a Purpose for You - Single CD
God Has a Purpose for You - Single CD
God Has a Purpose for You - Single CD
God Has a Vision for Your Life
God Has a Vision for Your Life
God Has a Vision for Your Life
God Is A Good God
God Is A Good God
Why do bad things happen to good people? Is God to blame? Is He trying to teach you something?
God is a Spirit
God is a Spirit
The reason many cannot accept God's love is because they believe God looks at them the same way they look at themselves. It's time to see yourself the way God sees you.
God is Always With Us
God is Always With Us
There is no description for this product.
God Is Good, God Is Faithful
God Is Good, God Is Faithful
Most Christians would say that God is good and that He is faithful. Yet they credit Him with many of the difficulties in life. How can that be?
God Is Kind - To You
God Is Kind - To You
The fact that so many Christians blame God for everything that happens in their lives reveals they don't understand how much God loves them. God is kind to us. All His wrath was placed on Jesus.
God Is Not The Cause Of Grief
God Is Not The Cause Of Grief
Wrong teaching that has placed all events under the control of God has made many people bitter toward the Lord and others passive toward their problems. God is not the source of our problems. Knowing this will keep us in a positive relationship with the L
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Financial Stewardship Part 3: God Loves a Cheerful Giver
God Resists The Proud - Part 1
God Resists The Proud - Part 1
God Resists The Proud - Part 1
God Resists The Proud - Part 2
God Resists The Proud - Part 2
God Resists The Proud - Part 2
God Speaks Through the Holy Spirit
God Speaks Through the Holy Spirit
God Speaks Through the Holy Spirit
God Speaks Through the Word
God Speaks Through the Word
God Speaks Through the Word
God Speaks Through Your Born-again Spirit
God Speaks Through Your Born-again Spirit
God Speaks Through Your Born-again Spirit
God Speaks Through Your Conscience
God Speaks Through Your Conscience
God Speaks Through Your Conscience
God Wants You to Succeed
God Wants You to Succeed
Success and the way to being successful may not be what you've thought.
God Wants You Well
God Wants You Well
What the Bible really says about the healing of our body and walking in divine health.
God With US Robert & Elizabeth Muren Interview
God With US Robert & Elizabeth Muren Interview
God With US Robert & Elizabeth Muren Interview
God's Attitude Toward Sin
This teaching reveals that God's attitude toward sin is different from what we have thought. Andrew explains how a believer can maintain their walk in the love of the Lord and to how to abide in His love.
God's Covenant of Peace
God's Covenant of Peace
God's Covenant Words
Do you realize that God's words still have the same amount of power that they did when God spoke them at creation? When God speaks something, it's a covenant and has the full power of the Godhead behind it.
God's Definition Of Success
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
God's Kind Of Love
God's love for us is infinitely superior to any love we could ever express to each other. 
God's Kind Of Love Through You
Understanding how much God loves you, compels you to allow God's love to flow through you.
God's Kind of Love To You
Most believers know that God loves them. Very few, however, know His love experientially.
God's Kind of Love: The Cure for What Ails Ya
Before we can love others, we have to have a true revelation of God's love for us.
God's Love In Marriage - I
In this teaching, Andrew identifies the characteristics of God's kind of love. God's kind of love is an antidote to any problems in a marriage relationship. 
God's Love In Marriage - II
Andrew continues speaking about God's kind of love and how it relates to a marriage situation. This kind of love isn't an emotion but a decision from your heart. You can control love; it doesn't just happen to you. 
God's Love Is Unconditional
Jesus washed Judas' feet, defended a woman taken in the very act of adultery, and identified with an outcast Samaritan woman. And He loves you too.
God's Love Never Fails
Nearly all of us let the world define love for us. But God's kind of love is very different than what the movies and modern culture portray. In this teaching, Andrew uses 1 Corinthians 13 to reveal God's kind of love.
God's Love Revealed
Do you believe that God really loves you? If you do, it will show in your relationships with others.
God's Man, Plan And Timing
In the Bible we find several accounts of individuals who were set apart for a specific purpose before they were even born. These people did not need to depend on their own talents, abilities, or their position in life to make it come to pass. But many did
God's Not Guilty
God is sovereign in that He is all powerful and independent, but He has limited His sovereignty to His Word. Whatever His Word says is His will.
God's True Nature
For many Christians, the only difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Bible is a few blank pages. Experiencing God's unconditional love, which is His true nature, depends on knowing the difference.
God's Unconditional Love / Peace of God / God's Word Is the Key
God's Unconditional Love / Peace of God / God's Word Is the Key
God's View Of Sin
When you really understand how God views sin, you will probably come to the same conclusion Andrew did. That sounds nearly too good to be true.
God's Word = God's Blessing
In this message, Andrew speaks about the Word of God like an irrevocable contract between God and man. But in this contract, only God is held to the performance clause. Learn more.
God's Word First Place
Are you wondering what is God's will? In this teaching, Andrew explains that the Word of God is the will of God. We are to be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. Andrew also discusses how vital it is to have the Word first place in our lives.
God’s Given into Your Hands
God’s Given into Your Hands
God’s Given into Your Hands
God’s Power is Governed by Law -  Andrew Wommack
God’s Power is Governed by Law - Andrew Wommack
God’s Power is Governed by Law - Andrew Wommack
God’s Truth is Absolute - CD
God’s Truth is Absolute - CD
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching What Is Truth?, learn about the amazing transformation that occurs when you begin to believe entirely in the Word of God.
Godly Anger
Godly Anger
God gave us the capacity to hate. In fact, it will come as a total shock to many people that God's Word commands us to hate and be angry. A righteous anger is one of our greatest weapons. It's like a shot of spiritual adrenaline. When operating in a godly
Good Conscience
Good Conscience
It is important to realize how your conscience works. It can either help you or hinder you in receiving from God. 
Gospel Of Peace
Gospel Of Peace
When the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men," they weren't saying that there would be an end to wars and strife. This wasn't peace among men they were heralding but rather peace toward men from God. They wer
Gospel Of Peace
Gospel Of Peace
The angels proclaimed peace on earth at Jesus' birth, so why are there still wars and conflicts between men? 
Got A Need? Plant A Seed!
Got A Need? Plant A Seed!
The Word of God is the seed of God's kingdom. In the same way that there cannot be a physical harvest without planting a seed, so we cannot receive a spiritual harvest without planting the seed of God's Word. 
Grace & Faith Conference 2023 - CD Album
Grace & Faith Conference 2023 - CD Album
Andrew and his guest speakers, Duane Sheriff and Mike & Carrie Pickett, challenge and encourage you through inspired teaching from the word of God.
Grace & Faith Conference 2024 - CD Album
Grace & Faith Conference 2024 - CD Album
Andrew and his guest speakers, Duane Sheriff and Mike & Carrie Pickett, challenge and encourage you through inspired teaching from the word of God.
Grace & Faith In Healing (The Shepherd
Grace & Faith In Healing (The Shepherd's House Church )
This is the teaching Niki Ochenski heard before her healing.
Grace + Faith Conference 2019 - CD Album
Grace + Faith Conference 2019 - CD Album
Listen to Grace + Faith 2019 Live! With speakers Andrew Wommack, Duane Sheriff & Wendell Parr.
Grace And Faith
Grace And Faith
Andrew, in this teaching, discusses the difference between grace and faith. He explains how vital it is to have both of them working together in your life. 
Grace and Faith
Grace and Faith
Grace and Faith
Grace And Faith In Giving
Grace And Faith In Giving
If we're to trust God in every area of our lives, how do we trust God in our finances? What does the Word of God say? Learn this and more in this teaching that will change the way you approach God in your giving. 
Grace Is God’s Part; Faith Is Our Response
Grace Is God’s Part; Faith Is Our Response
Grace Is God’s Part; Faith Is Our Response
Grace Of Giving
Grace Of Giving
How does grace relate to giving? Those who understand that God does not relate to us based on our performance get tripped up on this one. Listen to this teaching by Andrew that will change your perspective from a biblical standpoint! This is a good additi
Grace: The Power Of The Gospel
Grace: The Power Of The Gospel
It's not what you do, it's what Jesus did.
Great Awakening - CD Album
Great Awakening - CD Album
Andrew heard from the Lord that we are in the Third Great Awakening. He interviews David and Tim Barton regarding this Great Awakening
Great Awakening Part I
Great Awakening Part I
Great Awakening Part I
Great Awakening Part II
Great Awakening Part II
Great Awakening Part II
Great Awakening Part III
Great Awakening Part III
Great Awakening Part III
Groaning in the Spirit
Groaning in the Spirit
There is no description for this product.
Hardness Of Heart
Hardness Of Heart
This teaching deals with the crisis, the cause, and the cure for a hardened heart.
Hardness Of Heart - The Cause - Part I
Hardness Of Heart - The Cause - Part I
Hardness of Heart is being "cold, insensitive, callous, unfeeling, and unyielding."
Hardness Of Heart - The Cause - Part II
Hardness Of Heart - The Cause - Part II
What do you think about? It absolutely determines what your heart becomes sensitized toward.
Hardness Of Heart - The Crisis
Hardness Of Heart - The Crisis
Why is it so difficult to hear the Lord's voice and be led by Him in everyday life?
Hardness Of Heart - The Cure
Hardness Of Heart - The Cure
The relationship between faith and unbelief
Harnessing Your Emotions
Harnessing Your Emotions
A person who doesn't harness their emotions is a person who cannot overcome sin.
Healing / Discipleship / Sovereignty
Healing / Discipleship / Sovereignty
Healing / Discipleship / Sovereignty
Healing is Here 2024 Workshop - Audrey Mack
Healing is Here 2024 Workshop - Audrey Mack
Healing is Here 2024 Workshop - Audrey Mack
Healing is Here Aug ‘24 (Colorado) - CD Album
Healing is Here Aug ‘24 (Colorado) - CD Album
Healing is Here Aug ‘24 - Expect, Experience, Empower!
Healing Is Here CD
Healing Is Here CD
Healing Is Here is a compilation album designed to launch the listener on an anointed healing journey through strong lyrics and diverse musical styles.
Healing Is Here Conference - January 2020
Healing Is Here Conference - January 2020
Recorded live at Charis Bible College - Walsall in January 2020
Healing Is Here Conference - May 2022 (with Cecil Paxton)
Healing Is Here Conference - May 2022 (with Cecil Paxton)
Recorded live at Charis Bible College - Walsall in May 2022 (CD Album)
Healing Is In Christ
Healing Is In Christ's Atonement - CD
Part of 1036C God Wants You Well.
Healing Scriptures
Healing Scriptures
This teaching is a collection of healing scriptures with soft background music. As you listen, your mind will be able to relax, and your faith will be built to receive your healing.
Heart Of Man
Heart Of Man
What exactly is the heart of man? Is it your spirit or your soul? This teaching explains that the heart is a combination of the spirit and soul. In the biblical sense, it is the very centre of a person. 
Hebrews: 1:1 thru 2:11
Hebrews: 1:1 thru 2:11
Hebrews: 1:1 thru 2:11
Hebrews: 10:3 thru 11:3
Hebrews: 10:3 thru 11:3
Hebrews: 10:3 thru 11:3
Hebrews: 11:15 thru 12:2
Hebrews: 11:15 thru 12:2
Hebrews: 11:15 thru 12:2
Hebrews: 11:3 thru 11:15
Hebrews: 11:3 thru 11:15
Hebrews: 11:3 thru 11:15
Hebrews: 12:2 thru 13:25
Hebrews: 12:2 thru 13:25
Hebrews: 12:2 thru 13:25
Hebrews: 2:12 thru 4:11
Hebrews: 2:12 thru 4:11
Hebrews: 2:12 thru 4:11
Hebrews: 4:12 thru 6:6
Hebrews: 4:12 thru 6:6
Hebrews: 4:12 thru 6:6
Hebrews: 6:4 thru 8:12
Hebrews: 6:4 thru 8:12
Hebrews: 6:4 thru 8:12
Hebrews: 8:12 thru 10:2
Hebrews: 8:12 thru 10:2
Hebrews: 8:12 thru 10:2
Hebrews: Living in a New Covenant Reality - CD Album
Hebrews: Living in a New Covenant Reality - CD Album
In this verse-by-verse study of the book of Hebrews, you’ll learn how to embrace the finished work of Jesus and experience God's best for your life.
Hell is Real
Hell is Real
Hell is Real
Helping Women and Unborn Children in the Post-Roe World
Helping Women and Unborn Children in the Post-Roe World
Helping Women and Unborn Children in the Post-Roe World
History Of Andrew Wommack Min.
History Of Andrew Wommack Min.
The history of Andrew Wommack Ministries
History Of Andrew Wommack Min.
History Of Andrew Wommack Min.
The history of Andrew Wommack Ministries
Holy Fire
Holy Fire
God's miracles always have a purpose. Elijah capitalized on the miracle of the drought to challenge the whole nation to a test.
Holy Spirit Gifts
Holy Spirit Gifts
Holy Spirit Gifts
Holy Spirit’s Power
Holy Spirit’s Power
Holy Spirit’s Power
Why all the controversy? just accept that people are different, right? Wrong.
This teaching discusses the relationship between hope and faith. God wants you to get your hopes up. Get a revelation of how God sees you and what He has prepared for you. Learn how to get your hope in balance so your faith can properly function. Start ex
Hope And Imagination
Hope And Imagination
Few understand the role that imagination plays in the fulfilment of destiny. Scripture often refers to the subject in a negative light. But, as you will learn, God-inspired imagination fuels hope for the future.
Hope For Every Marriage
Hope For Every Marriage
Hope For Every Marriage
Hope In God - CD by Paul Milligan
Hope In God - CD by Paul Milligan
Hope In God - CD by Paul Milligan
Hope Paints A Picture
Hope Paints A Picture
A large percentage of what you experience in your life is a result of what is seen on the inside of your heart. Did you know that the Bible says you can change the direction of your life by using the hope that God has given you?
How Can I Be Righteous?
How Can I Be Righteous?
This teaching not only reveals what you must do to become righteous, but it explains how and where we receive righteousness. Our actions and thoughts are progressively being changed to reflect the righteousness that is placed in our spirits at the new bir
How Can I Know?
How Can I Know?
As long as you can live without a revelation of God's love, you will. Are you ready? Then seek and search with all your heart, and you will know the God-kind of love.
How Does Satan Fight Us?
How Does Satan Fight Us?
Satan is not in direct conflict with God. That battle has already been fought and won by Jesus.
How To Be Happy
How To Be Happy
It is God's will for us to be happy. Andrew teaches the secrets of being happy.
How To Become A Giant Killer
How To Become A Giant Killer
There wasn't any physical trait that gave David the edge over other Israelites. It was his heart and trust in God that allowed him to kill Goliath. Here, Andrew reveals several things that made David the giant killer he was.
How To Become A Water Walker
How To Become A Water Walker
Andrew shares many of the faith lessons he has learned about walking in the miraculous.
How To Conceive A Miracle
How To Conceive A Miracle
Miracles don't just happen; they have to be conceived. Mary's virgin birth of our Lord was natural in every way with the one exception that God's Word was the sperm. Likewise, God's Word is the sperm that makes us spiritually pregnant with whatever miracl
How To Deal With Temptation
How To Deal With Temptation
There's a right way and a wrong way to respond when tempted, and even to avoid it!
How To Find God
How To Find God's Will
Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives.
How To Find, Follow, Fulfill God
How To Find, Follow, Fulfill God's Will - CD Album
Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives.
How To Follow God
How To Follow God's Will
God has a destiny for our lives. This is the second in a series of three
How To Fulfil God
How To Fulfil God's Will
God has a destiny for our lives. This is the third in a series of three.
How To Get Along With People Part 1
How To Get Along With People Part 1
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How To Get Along With People Part 2
How To Get Along With People Part 2
There is no description for this product.
How To Get Along With People Part 3
How To Get Along With People Part 3
There is no description for this product.
How To Handle Persecution
How To Handle Persecution
Persecution is not just physical abuse. Fear of other people and what they might say will stop your faith (John 5:44).
How To Make Your Dream Come True
How To Make Your Dream Come True
This teaching is modeled on the life of Joseph. Andrew shares some of the secrets that made Joseph realize the fulfillment of his dreams, and these same keys will work for you
How to Overcome Doubt
How to Overcome Doubt
Everyone has to deal with doubt. John the Baptist doubted that Jesus was the Christ, even after he had witnessed signs from God and boldly proclaimed Jesus as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Because Jesus respected John so much, He d
How To Prepare Your Heart CD Album
How To Prepare Your Heart CD Album
Be prepared for the storms of life by learning how David prepared his heart.
How To Receive A Miracle
How To Receive A Miracle
Learn how to grab ahold of miracles and make them happen.
How To Receive A Miracle Part 1
How To Receive A Miracle Part 1
We all need the supernatural intervention of God at some time. The problem is that most Christians don't know how to believe for a miracle and receive it. God wants you to have His best. Go beyond simply hoping for a miracle.
How To Receive A Miracle Part 2
How To Receive A Miracle Part 2
What do you do when you pray and don't see your miracle immediately? God's Word tells us to believe that we receive when we pray. There are things happening in the spiritual world, but it's up to you to bring your miracle into physical manifestation.
How To Receive A Miracle Part 3
How To Receive A Miracle Part 3
Faith is the key that brings your miracle into the physical. God has given everyone the same measure of faith, but unbelief can counter that faith. Knowing who you are in Christ will help you put your faith into action.
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World - CD Album
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World - CD Album
How to rise above the noise of negativity and live your life according to the promises of God's Word.
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World I
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World I
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World I
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World II
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World II
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World II
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World III
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World III
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World III
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World IV
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World IV
How To Stay Positive In A Negative World IV
How To Study The Bible I
How To Study The Bible I
The Word of God says you have to study to show yourself approved unto God. How do you go about that? Andrew answers this and teaches how to correctly study the Bible to get the most out of it. God sent the Holy Ghost to be your instructor.
How To Study The Bible II
How To Study The Bible II
Andrew, in this teaching, goes on to explain the different methods of Bible study and how they can profit. He also warns of the danger of using only one type. The best method to study the Word is to use all of them. If you only study one way, you will be
How To Study The Bible III
How To Study The Bible III
In this teaching, Andrew concludes on how to study the Bible. He explains that one of the most important things you need to know is that the Word comes to you in stages. One thing builds upon another.
How To: Deal with Grief
How To: Deal with Grief
This series will help you to come out of grief on the victory side.
Humble Yourself Before God
Humble Yourself Before God
Humble Yourself Before God
Humility Is A Must
Humility Is A Must
Psalm 10:17 promises us that the Lord will prepare the heart of the humble, so humility is essential. In this message, Andrew teaches what true humility really is and the role it plays in the preparations of the heart.
Humility Means Dependence On God
Humility Means Dependence On God
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Humility: God
Humility: God's Path to More Grace
God can't make you humble; humility is something you have to choose.
Humility’s Perspective
Humility’s Perspective
More Grace, Move Favor - CD4 of 4
Hypocrites Love To Pray
Hypocrites Love To Pray
Before Jesus taught what prayer was, He taught what prayer was not. He made the startling statement that hypocrites love to pray (Matt. 6:5). Therefore, prayer in itself doesn't guarantee spiritual maturity. There are right and wrong ways to pray. 
I Am What I Am by the Grace of God
I Am What I Am by the Grace of God
I Am What I Am by the Grace of God
Identifying and Clearing Your Ground CD
Identifying and Clearing Your Ground CD
Identifying and Clearing Your Ground
Identity in Christ
Identity in Christ
Christians need to identify with their new self in Christ. This is life-changing and one of the major keys to a victorious life in Christ. In this teaching, you will get a look at who you are in Christ—something very few Christians have ever seen.
If not me, then who?
If not me, then who?
There is no description for this product.
Illustrating the Difference Between Grace and Faith
Illustrating the Difference Between Grace and Faith
Illustrating the Difference Between Grace and Faith
Imagination - Part 1
Imagination - Part 1
Recorded from the TV broadcast.
Imagination - Part 2
Imagination - Part 2
Recorded from the TV broadcast.
Imagination / Financial Stewardship
Imagination / Financial Stewardship
Imagination / Financial Stewardship
Imagination & Success
Imagination & Success
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
Imagination As Conception
Imagination As Conception
CD1 OF 5 [The Power of Imagination CD Album]
Imagination As Evidence
Imagination As Evidence
CD3 OF 5 [The Power of Imagination CD Album]
Imagination As Hope
Imagination As Hope
CD4 OF 5 [The Power of Imagination CD Album]
Imagination As Meditation
Imagination As Meditation
CD2 OF 5 [The Power of Imagination CD Album]
Imagination As Victory
Imagination As Victory
CD5 OF 5 [The Power of Imagination CD Album]
Importance Of Knowing God
Importance Of Knowing God
There is no description for this product.
In God We Trust
In God We Trust
This teaching will help you overcome financial fears and keep your trust in the right place.
In God We Trust - Music CD
In God We Trust - Music CD
In God We Trust is a patriotic musical of hope and community during dark times.
In His Image - CD Album by Paul Milligan
In His Image - CD Album by Paul Milligan
In His Image - CD Album by Paul Milligan
Integrity Of God
Integrity Of God's Word
Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest man that ever lived. When John was having the worst time of his life, Jesus only ministered to him by referring him back to the Word of God. The Word of God is the highest way for God to speak to us.
Intentional - Understanding the Role of Effective Time Management – CD Album(Pickett)
Intentional - Understanding the Role of Effective Time Management – CD Album(Pickett)
Discover God’s vision for you and the true definition of time management. Live intentionally and watch your days be recaptured with purpose!
Interview with James & Dorothy Brown
Interview with James & Dorothy Brown
James & Dorothy Brown are interviewed by Andrew Wommack on TV
Interview with John Tesh
Interview with John Tesh
John Tesh is interviewed by Andrew Wommack on TV
Introduction to Faith
Introduction to Faith
Andrew talks about how a believer can strengthen their faith and how they can apply it. He also shares through God's word how to overcome faith's greatest adversaries - doubt.
It Came To Pass
It Came To Pass
Everything life and the enemy can throw at us is only temporary.
It Is Finished
It Is Finished
Have you ever asked yourself what Jesus meant when just before dying on the cross, He said, "It is finished"? What was finished: His life, His work, His purpose, what? The correct answer to that can change your life.
It Is Written
It Is Written
The Bible says that Jesus was the Word, that everything He said is the Word, and that all power and authority has been given to Him. So, why then did He quote the Old Testament when Satan tempted Him? For the same reason we should.
It's in the Spiritual Realm
If we've already got everything we need, where is it? It's in the spiritual realm. There is a real spiritual world that exists around us all the time. God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and He moves in the spiritual realm. Whether or not we see what He does man
It's Never Too Late
Have you ever made a wrong turn while using a GPS navigator? It doesn't respond by saying, "Sorry, you'll never get there now"; it says, "Recalculating." God is the master at recalculating the directions to your destiny, no matter how many wrong turns you
It's Not Bad to be Glad
The joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
James Brown - Break the Huddle and Run the Play
James Brown - Break the Huddle and Run the Play
Break the Huddle and Run the Play [Men's Advance 2017]
Jesus is Our Example
Jesus is Our Example
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Jesus Is Saviour And Lord
Jesus Is Saviour And Lord
He's your Saviour, but is He your Lord? It's great to have the peace that comes from knowing your sins are forgiven, but that doesn't guarantee victory in daily life.
Jesus Is The Only Mediator
Jesus Is The Only Mediator
This teaching deals with spiritual warfare and intercession. Andrew exposes many abuses in this area and shows the New Testament method of intercession. 
Jesus Proved God
Jesus Proved God's Will - CD
Part of 1036C God Wants You Well.
Jesus Sent Us a Comforter - Single CD
Jesus Sent Us a Comforter - Single CD
Jesus Sent Us a Comforter - Single CD
Jesus Took It All
Jesus Took It All
Jesus Took It All
Jesus' Farewell Address – CD Album
Understand how to stop living life up and down like a yo-yo. Anchor yourself in the foundational truths Jesus shared with His disciples and withstand every challenge with strength and resilience.
Jodie Stehouwer
Jodie Stehouwer's Testimony
This teaching features Jodie's amazing testimony about how the Lord miraculously intervened to keep her from aborting her child. She had been raped and felt justified in the abortion even though she was a Christian. The Lord thought differently and provid
John The Baptist
John The Baptist
The way Jesus dealt with John's unbelief is a great insight into just how powerful God's Word is. 
Just Say Yes
Just Say Yes
Just Say Yes
Keeping Your Mind Stayed on God
Keeping Your Mind Stayed on God
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Killing Sacred Cows
Killing Sacred Cows
"Sacred cows," or wrong beliefs are taken to the slaughterhouse by Andrew.
Kinds Of Prayer I
Kinds Of Prayer I
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Kinds Of Prayer II
Kinds Of Prayer II
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Know Your True Worth – Your Value and Identity
Know Your True Worth – Your Value and Identity
Know Your True Worth – Your Value and Identity
Knowing God
Knowing God
Paul said that he longed to know God more. What did he understand about knowing Him?
Knowing God
Knowing God
Those who are only casually acquainted with God will have a hard time in a crisis. Faith is a natural by-product of an intimate relationship with the Lord.
Knowing God By Faith
Knowing God By Faith
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Knowing God Heart To Heart
Knowing God Heart To Heart
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Knowing God Through The Word
Knowing God Through The Word
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Knowing God
Knowing God's Life
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Knowing God
Knowing God's Love
Most believers intellectually understand that God loves them. Very few, however, know His love experientially. That knowing is what changed my life, and it can change yours too.
Knowing God
Knowing God's Word
The Word is the litmus test of what you believe is God's will for your life. In this message, Andrew explains how the Word can direct and confirm His will.
Knowing the Truth Sets You Free
Knowing the Truth Sets You Free
Knowing the Truth Sets You Free - CD
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
A police officer doesn't make laws; they just enforce them. A law enforcement officer's ability to exercise their authority is dependent on their knowledge of the laws.
Laying A Sure Foundation
Laying A Sure Foundation
Christian belief has to be founded on the facts of God's Word and not on intuition or feelings. Our limited view isn't sufficient to understand life based on our personal observations. 
Leading By Example
Leading By Example
You may have heard it said, "What you do speaks so loudly that the world can't hear what you say." They're listening, but we must be an example in both word and deed. This is a vital part of discipleship.
Learn How To Dream Big
Learn How To Dream Big
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
Learn To Obey
Learn To Obey
What role does obedience play in fulfilling God's will in your life? Is the Bible talking about holiness as the qualification for serving God, or it there more? 
Least of These
Least of These
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Lessons From David
Lessons From David
The giants in your life won't stand a chance as these Lessons from David become your very own!
Lessons From Elijah - CD Album
Lessons From Elijah - CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Lessons From Elijah, learn how you are to walk with the Lord!
Lessons From Joseph - CD Album
Lessons From Joseph - CD Album
In Lessons from Joseph, Andrew Wommack will show you how to guard the dreams God has given you from any attack of doubt or fear.
Lessons From The Christmas Story
Lessons From The Christmas Story
Teachings include "How to conceive a miracle" and "The gospel of peace".
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Single CD
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Single CD
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Single CD
Let The Holy Spirit Do His Work
Let The Holy Spirit Do His Work
If you were Mary, how would you tell your fiancée that you were pregnant but that you had not been unfaithful? Add to this the fact that you had been gone for three months, and you were now three months pregnant. Who would believe you?
Let Us Walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:2-23
Let Us Walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:2-23
Let Us Walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:2-23
Let Your Gift Make Room For You
Let Your Gift Make Room For You
One of the least understood truths of partnership is that it opens a door in the spiritual realm for you to receive the anointings, giftings, and blessings that are on the ministry you support. In this teaching, Andrew illustrates Proverbs 18:16 ("A man's
Life at Conception – CD Album
Life at Conception – CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Life at Conception, learn when human life really begins.
Life at Conception Part 1
Life at Conception Part 1
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Life at Conception, learn when human life really begins.
Life at Conception Part 2
Life at Conception Part 2
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Life at Conception, learn when human life really begins.
Life's 3 Most Important Questions
Where did I come from? Who am I? Where am I going?
Lifestyle of Intimacy - CD Album by Carrie Pickett
Lifestyle of Intimacy - CD Album by Carrie Pickett
In this teaching by Carrie Pickett, learn what it means to have a vibrant, deep, and growing relationship with God.
Lisa Paxton
Lisa Paxton's Testimony
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Living as an Example – CD Album
Living as an Example – CD Album
In this teaching you will discover how to become intentional as you set an example of Christ to the lives around you.
Living In Divine Health - CD
Living In Divine Health - CD
Part of 1036C God Wants You Well.
Living in God
Living in God's Best - CD Album
Living in God's best can become a lifestyle -a permanent address - rather than somewhere we go to briefly escape the pressures of our lives.
Living In The Balance Of Grace And Faith - CD Album
Living In The Balance Of Grace And Faith - CD Album
The correct understanding of grace and faith and how they work together.
Living In The Spirit
Living In The Spirit
Living In The Spirit
Living Word Christian Center July 2016
Living Word Christian Center July 2016
Living Word Christian Center July 2016
Looking Beyond The Natural
Looking Beyond The Natural
Nobody is as blind as someone who can see only with their eyes. That's a strong statement, but did you know that Jesus operated on that very principle? He saw things not only in the natural but also in the spirit. You can learn how to do the same thing.
Love And Respect In Marriage
Love And Respect In Marriage
The greatest need of a man is respect. Andrew discusses what to do to show respect to your husband and what not to do. One of the main things a woman can do to show respect is to be in submission to her husband. When a woman is walking in submission, she
Love Others As Christ Loves You
Love Others As Christ Loves You
Love Others As Christ Loves You - CD
Love Series I
Love Series I
Andrew begins to teach on God's type of love. In this teaching, he compares the husband and wife relationship in Ephesians 5 to our relationship with the Lord. We have to realize that God acts toward us the same way He commands us to act to each other.
Love Series II
Love Series II
In this teaching, Andrew continues to compare God's love with a husband and wife relationship. This teaching is in a series of messages that Andrew preached concerning the love of God. We need to sit and let God minister His love to us. 
Love Series III
Love Series III
On the first part of this teaching Andrew continues sharing about God's perspective on sin. By understanding this, it will free us up to receive His love for us. The end of this teaching starts to deal with what God's type of love is. Use 1 Corinthians 13
Love Series IV
Love Series IV
Andrew continues teaching about what God's type of love is. Through 1 Corinthians 13, he shows several ways to tell whether or not you are operating in God's love. He goes on to explain that the Law isn't for a New Testament man. 
Making Good Decisions - CD by Paul Milligan
Making Good Decisions - CD by Paul Milligan
Making Good Decisions - CD by Paul Milligan
Marriage Relationship
Marriage Relationship
Andrew ministered how God intended the home to be. In this teaching, he shares that you are the key to your home. A Christian home has to have Jesus at the center of it and nothing else. This teaching will help you realize that God instituted marriage for
Meditate The Word
Meditate The Word
God has given us a powerful tool that we have neglected. It is mediation. Andrew explains in this teaching exactly what meditation is and why it is so important in our relationship with God. Meditating the Word is how you get to know God. 
Meditation - Single CD
Meditation - Single CD
God has given us a powerful tool that we have neglected. It is mediation. Andrew explains in this teaching exactly what meditation is and why it is so important in our relationship with God.
Meditation Opens Your Heart
Meditation Opens Your Heart
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Men's Advance Conference '24 (Colorado) - CD Album
Men's Advance Conference '24 (Colorado)
Mind Renewal
Mind Renewal
Mind Renewal
Ministering unto God
Ministering unto God
This DVD was recorded from the Gospel Truth TV broadcast and contains one week of programming.
Ministry in Today
Ministry in Today's Culture
Ministry in Today's Culture - Duanne Sheriff & Bob Yandian Interview'
Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
This teaching highlights two vital ministries of the Holy Spirit in an emergency situation, praying in tongues and groaning in the Spirit.
Mixing Faith With God
Mixing Faith With God's Word
Some people speak and nothing happens. Others speak and their world changes. What's the difference; could it be that some have forgotten to add the substance of Faith?
More Grace Through Humility
More Grace Through Humility
More Grace, Move Favor - CD1 of 4
More Grace, More Favor CD Album
More Grace, More Favor CD Album
 Releasing the Untapped Power of Humility in Your Life
Moses Missed God
Moses Missed God's Timing
Knowing God's will is not enough. As you will learn in this message, Moses knew God's will and plan but proceeded to accomplish it in his own strength and timing. Don't make the same mistake.
Nebuchadnezzar Finally Got It Right
Nebuchadnezzar Finally Got It Right
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
Need For Discipleship
Need For Discipleship
Did Jesus tell us to make converts or disciples? It's a question that the body of Christ needs to address. And the lack of understanding in this area is the reason so many believers are unable to finish their course.
New Commandment
New Commandment
Jesus commanded that you love others the way He loves you. Most Christians think that is impossible. That's because you can't give away what you don't have. You need to personally experience God's awesome love.
New Creature
New Creature
You are a new creature when you come into Christ. Your spirit is the part of you that has been made new. This teaching emphasizes the importance of what happened in your spirit at the salvation experience and how it could affect your life. 
New Testament Intercession
New Testament Intercession
New Testament Intercession
New You & The Holy Spirit
New You & The Holy Spirit
The specifics of new life in Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Niki Ochenski
Niki Ochenski's Testimony
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No Condemnation
No Condemnation
Andrew discusses what it means to be free from condemnation. This teaching helps a person realize that God is not the one condemning people. He is on our side. Satan is the one who brings condemnation.
No More Conscience Of Sins
No More Conscience Of Sins
Disc 3 of the CD album "Who Told You That You Were Naked?"
No More Separation
No More Separation
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No More Sin Consciousness
No More Sin Consciousness
Grace is a position of rest and peace. When you understand your righteousness, you have peace and quietness. All you have to do is appropriate and acknowledge what God has already done. 
No Want Or Lack
No Want Or Lack
The proper fear of the Lord leads to abundance and prosperity in every area of life. If you're experiencing lack, then perhaps you have not learned the fear of the Lord. This message could change your life.
Observing All Things - CD Album
Observing All Things - CD Album
There's more to being a disciple than simply faith in Jesus. That's what Jesus Himself said.
Offense Of The Cross
Offense Of The Cross
Will God answer your prayer if you're living in sin? How would you feel if the answer was yes? Would you think your efforts of reading the Bible, praying, and attending church were all in vain? Don't miss this message.
Once For All Time
Once For All Time
Once For All Time
Open Days 2019
Open Days 2019
Open Days 2019
Our Relative Unworthiness / God
Our Relative Unworthiness / God's Unconditional Love
Our Relative Unworthiness / God's Unconditional Love
Our Sabbath Rest
Our Sabbath Rest
The Sabbath was to remind man of God's rest. It was just a shadow in the Old Testament of what Jesus did for us in the New Testament. God rested because His creation was complete, and there was nothing else He could add to it. 
How do you get patience? Does it come from trials and tribulations? What exactly is patience? In this teaching, Andrew answers these questions and explains that once you understand patience, your faith will work a lot better. In order to understand patien
Paul's Secret
Paul wrote the book of Philippians after he had been in jail between two and five years. Yet, 17 times in that letter Paul used the words "joy" or "rejoice." Paul's joy was independent of his circumstances. 
Paul's Secrets to Happiness
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. This is what the bible says to get there.
Paul's Secrets to Happiness - Part 1
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there.
Paul's Secrets to Happiness - Part 2
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there.
Paul's Secrets to Happiness - Part 3
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there.
Paul's Secrets to Happiness - Part 4
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there.
Paul's Secrets to Happiness - Part 5
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there.
Payment Exceeded The Cost
Payment Exceeded The Cost
This is the third CD from the album "Redemption". Your understanding will determine what you are able to receive from God, here and now.
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
God wants us not just to have knowledge of His love but to experience it in every area of our lives. When we understand God's love, we aren't afraid of being rejected by Him, so this causes faith to work. 
Perfected Forever
Perfected Forever
Perfected Forever
Philippians 1
Philippians 1
Philippians 1
Philippians 2
Philippians 2
Philippians 2
Philippians 3
Philippians 3
Philippians 3
Philippians 4
Philippians 4
Philippians 4
Philippians: Paul’s Letter To His Partners - CD Album
Philippians: Paul’s Letter To His Partners - CD Album
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Philippians: Paul’s Letter to His Partners, you will discover how to find joy and fulfillment by putting God and others first.
Philippians: Paul’s Letter To His Partners - Live CD
Philippians: Paul’s Letter To His Partners - Live CD
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Philippians: Paul’s Letter to His Partners, you will discover how to find joy and fulfillment by putting God and others first.
Phoenix Conference January
Phoenix Conference January '24 - CD Album
Find Truth. Experience God. Be Transformed.
Plain as Dirt CD
Plain as Dirt CD
Dirt may seem plain and ordinary, but from it, miracles are brought forth.
Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is a comforting ministry, not a ministry of condemnation.
Possess and Contend for It
Possess and Contend for It
Possess and Contend for It
Power Of Faith Filled Words
Power Of Faith Filled Words
Words have the power to create and creation responds to words.
Power Of Hope
Power Of Hope
The Bible says that hope is for that which is not seen. How can you see something that isn't there?
Power of Imagination
Power of Imagination
Few Christians understand just how important the imagination is. The Hebrew word for "imagination" literally means "conception." Therefore, the imagination is the creative part of us. If we don't glorify God and become thankful, our imaginations just natu
Power Of Joy
Power Of Joy
Praise is a powerful offensive weapon against the devil. It also changes you and your attitude.
Power Of Love
Power Of Love
Galatians 5:6 says that faith works by love. If your faith is not producing, check your revelation of God's love.
Power Of The Cross
Power Of The Cross
The real meaning and power of this centrepiece of world history, the crucifixion of Christ.
Power Of The Word Of God
Power Of The Word Of God
In pressure situations, we seek for something special from God and forget that the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17).
Prayer In Jesus
Prayer In Jesus' Name
This teaching clarifies what it truly means to pray in Jesus' name. These are not magic words to add to the end of your prayer.
Prepare The Way
Prepare The Way
This teaching deals with the miraculous events of John the Baptist's birth. 
Pride And Anger
Pride And Anger
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Pride Short-Circuits God’s Grace
Pride Short-Circuits God’s Grace
More Grace, Move Favor - CD2 of 4
Primary Purpose Of Prayer
Primary Purpose Of Prayer
Prayer serves many purposes, but we must keep the main thing the main thing. The number one purpose of prayer is communion with God. 
Priorities For Women
Priorities For Women
Andrew explains that both men and women have to have the home as a priority. You can't minister outside of the home until you can minister in the home.
Problem Is Our Unbelief
Problem Is Our Unbelief
Jesus' disciples asked why they couldn't cast out a demon. Jesus told them the problem wasn't their lack of faith but rather their unbelief. There is a difference. People with strong faith can still not see the answer to their prayers because they also ha
Proverbs: Timeless Wisdom for a Life of Blessing
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 1:1 Through 3:8
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 1:1 Through 3:8
Proverbs 1:1 Through 3:8
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 10:8 Through 11:26
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 10:8 Through 11:26
Proverbs 10:8 Through 11:26
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 11:27 Through 13:12
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 11:27 Through 13:12
Proverbs 11:27 Through 13:12
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 13:13 Through 15:5
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 13:13 Through 15:5
Proverbs 13:13 Through 15:5
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 15:6 Through 16:18
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 15:6 Through 16:18
Proverbs 15:6 Through 16:18
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 16:19 Through 18:11
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 16:19 Through 18:11
Proverbs 16:19 Through 18:11
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 18:12 Through 19:21
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 18:12 Through 19:21
Proverbs 18:12 Through 19:21
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 19:22 Through 21:16
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 19:22 Through 21:16
Proverbs 19:22 Through 21:16
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 21:17 Through 23:7
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 21:17 Through 23:7
Proverbs 21:17 Through 23:7
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 23:8 Through 24:34
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 23:8 Through 24:34
Proverbs 23:8 Through 24:34
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 25:1 Through 27:10
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 25:1 Through 27:10
Proverbs 25:1 Through 27:10
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 27:11 Through 29:2
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 27:11 Through 29:2
Proverbs 27:11 Through 29:2
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 29:3 Through 30:23
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 29:3 Through 30:23
Proverbs 29:3 Through 30:23
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 3:9 Through 5:21
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 3:9 Through 5:21
Proverbs 3:9 Through 5:21
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 30:24 Through 31:16
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 30:24 Through 31:16
Proverbs 30:24 Through 31:16
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 31:17 Through 31:31
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 31:17 Through 31:31
Proverbs 31:17 Through 31:31
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 5:20 Through 7:21
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 5:20 Through 7:21
Proverbs 5:20 Through 7:21
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 7:22 Through 10:7
Proverbs Series - Proverbs 7:22 Through 10:7
Proverbs 7:22 Through 10:7
Psychology vs Christianity
Psychology vs Christianity
Find out how to rely on God as your source in harnessing your emotions.
Purging the Conscience
Purging the Conscience
Disc 4 of the CD album "Who Told You That You Were Naked?"
Purpose Of Marriage
Purpose Of Marriage
You might be surprised at what the Bible has to say about the purpose of marriage. According to 1 Corinthians 7:40, you're happier if you remain single. Interested? Order this teaching.
Purpose of Marriage Part 1 – Duane Sheriff
Purpose of Marriage Part 1 – Duane Sheriff
Purpose of Marriage Part 1 – Duane Sheriff
Purpose of Marriage Part 2 – Duane Sheriff
Purpose of Marriage Part 2 – Duane Sheriff
Purpose of Marriage Part 2 – Duane Sheriff
Purpose Of Prosperity
Purpose Of Prosperity
Our prosperity is not for ourselves. God gives us the power to get wealth so that He can establish His covenant here on the earth. The highest way of living is to be a giver, not a taker. When we do that, we set in motion God's blessings that are reserved
Purpose Of The Law
Purpose Of The Law