But there is a right way and a wrong way for making that happen. We have all seen people who rise to popularity and influence like a shooting star and then burn out just as quickly. It's one thing to find God's will and start moving in the right direction, but it's another to stay with it over the long haul. Anybody can start, but it's the people who finish who really make a difference.
Let Andrew show you how in this enlightening Study Guide.
Whether you are teaching a Sunday school class, leading a small group, discipling an individual, or studying on your own, this Study Guide is designed for you!
- Each lesson consists of the Lesson text, Outline, Teacher’s Guide, Discipleship Questions, Answer Key, and Scriptures.
- As a bonus, you can download PDFs of the Outlines, Discipleship Questions, and Scriptures for each lesson in this Study Guide.
Format: Perfect Bound Paperback Book
Page Count: 208
ISBN: 978-1-59548-162-7