These truths have reformed the church, brought revival, and brought the unadulterated truth of the Gospel of God's grace again to the forefront. There is no other book that has changed so many lives as the book of Galatians. It was the first book that was written to an early church that was struggling with the question, "How is man made right with God?" Discipling Through Galatians verse-by-verse commentary was prepared by Don Krow, a former instructor with Charis Bible College in Colorado Springs, CO. It is a study tool you will want in your library as well as a valuable instrument in bringing the insight of God's grace to others.
Whether you are teaching a Sunday school class, leading a small group, discipling an individual, or studying on your own, this Study Guide is designed for you!
Format: Perfect Bound Paperback Book
Page Count: 173
ISBN: 978-1-59548-061-3