Online Bible Commentary

Acts 1:3

To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:
Note 1 at Acts 1:3: The phrase “infallible proofs” comes from one Greek word, “TEKMERION,” which means “a token (as defining a fact), i.e. criterion of certainty” (Strong’s Concordance). The only time this word is used in the Bible is in this verse. It is stressing the surety of the proofs that attested the resurrection of Jesus. The word “proof” is so strong that it needs no further description; therefore, the addition of “infallible” is surely underscoring that there could be no reasonable argument against the resurrection of Jesus. Indeed, there is more historical evidence of the life and resurrection of Jesus than of any other person in history. To believe that either the life or resurrection of Jesus is a myth is intentional ignorance (2 Peter 3:5). Note 2 at Acts 1:3: There are eight recorded appearances of Jesus to His disciples during these forty days. The first six of these appearances are recorded in order in note 9 at John 21:14. The seventh appearance of Jesus was to His disciples at a mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16-20). His last appearance to His disciples was when He was received up to the Father, recorded in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-53, and Acts 1:4-9. There is one other mention of Jesus appearing to over 500 brethren at one time in 1 Corinthians 15:6. I have not included this instance as a ninth appearance, because this is probably describing the same appearance that Matthew recorded (Matthew 28:16-20) or this account of His ascension.

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