In his new teaching Ten Reasons It’s Better to Have the Holy Spirit, Andrew shares ten reasons why the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is actually better than the limited ministry of Jesus when He was physically present on the earth.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching A Better Way to Pray, learn to release God’s blessings in your life through prayer!
Every person deals with anger. There is no escaping it. But are we dealing with our anger the way God's Word instructs us to?
Learn to go beyond your feelings and emotions and seek God in the spirit.
You can't give away what you don't have. You need to personally experience God's awesome love.
If a person believes that God is sovereign, in that He allows everything in their lives, then they are submitting themselves to the work of the devil.
When you're facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples the night before His crucifixion: "Let not your heart be troubled." (John 14:1)
An optimist sees opportunity where a pessimist sees failure. What's the difference? It's the filter. The Bible calls that our philosophy, and it controls the outcome of our lives.
The night before His Crucifixion, Jesus prepared His disciples for the things to come.
Andrew shares what it takes to become a disciple, what abiding in the Word looks like, how to triumph through hardship, and much more!
Many Christians vacation in God’s love, but they don’t live there. Andrew will show you the four keys to staying full of God and the truth of what God’s unconditional love and grace have already provided.
Discover the biggest hindrances to what God wants to do in your life and how to stop them!
Don’t Limit God: Twenty Years Later, learn the amazing transformation it makes when you see yourself the way God does and take the limits off what He can do in your life!
Most of the promises of God, probably more than you realise, are conditional upon abiding in His presence.
We are no longer content with being normal. We want to change. We need to change. But how?
Paul's letter to the Ephesian church is full of some of the most wonderful revelations about the believer's union with Christ found anywhere in scripture.
Are you looking for more in your relationship with God? Many Christians are satisfied knowing they are on their way to heaven instead of hell. But did you know there’s even more to salvation than avoiding hell?
In this teaching, Andrew Wommack shares how Daniel and his friends displayed an excellent spirit and prospered in challenging situations!
Faith is essential to everything we do in the Christian life. Yet many Christians still struggle with faith. Is it really that hard?
If fear is a bad thing, then what do you do with the 300-plus scriptures that speak of fearing the Lord in a positive way?
Learn how to handle money God’s way in Andrew Wommack’s teaching Financial Stewardship and discover the greatest use of your resources!
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Four Basics of Hearing God’s Voice, learn how to improve your relationship with God and live a victorious life.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity, learn about the basic things needed to go from being a baby in Christ to a full-grown, mature believer.
Andrew’s teaching Galatians will show you how to walk out your faith with God the way He meant for you to in His New Covenant!
Many Christians know very little about how to restore America to its godly heritage. But you can't restore something if you don't know what it originally was.
Success is doing what God calls you to do. You need to know what God's picture of success looks like because He won't sovereignly make you the person you're supposed to be.
In his God Wants You Well teaching, Andrew shares the truth of what God’s unconditional love and grace have already provided, including healing.
Once you understand how much God loves you, it will compel you to allow God's love to flow through you.
If asked the question, "Is our heavenly Father a God of love?" most Christians would answer, "Yes". If asked, "Do you think He loves you today?" the answer is often quite different.
We can't give what we haven't received. Before we can love others, we have to have a true revelation of God's love for us.
It's not what you do, but what Christ did. Never again worry if you are meeting God's holy standard - Paul's revelation in the book of Romans settles the issue.
Andrew heard from the Lord that we are in the Third Great Awakening. He interviews David and Tim Barton regarding this Great Awakening.
A hard heart is simply a heart that is more sensitive to other things than to God. It is caused by what we focus our attention on, and it dictates the level of unbelief in our lives.
We all have emotions, but do they rule us or do we rule them? Psychologists and Christians alike agree that actions are the result of inner thoughts and feelings, emotions, but that is where the agreement ends.
Our approach to God under the New Covenant is completely different than under the Old. Most believers haven't understood that; they still mix the old with the new, and it's the reason they aren't victorious.
In this verse-by-verse study of the book of Hebrews, you’ll learn how to embrace the finished work of Jesus and experience God's best for your life.
Happiness is a goal many people long to achieve. Why are some people happy and others seem miserable? In this powerful teaching, you will learn the secrets of being happy.
Andrew shares many of the faith principles he has learned from God's Word about walking by faith. If you will receive these truths, you can walk on water too.
Grief is something that each one of us encounters sooner or later. It cannot be avoided, but it can be dealt with in a positive way. This series will help you to come out of grief on the victory side.
Everyone faces temptation. How do we deal with it? There's a right way and there's a wrong way to respond when tempted; there is even a way to avoid temptation.
Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives. This teaching is the first in a series of three that will help change that.
This teaching explains how Andrew found, has followed, and is fulfilling God's will for his life. This will help you on your way to doing just the same!
You have found God's will for your life - now what? What if you learnt that following His will can be as easy as following your heart's desires?
Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives. This teaching is the third in a series of three that will help change that.
True believers don't plan to depart from the Lord - they just fail to prepare their hearts before temptation comes suddenly upon them.
Most Christians do not know how to receive a miracle from God. Learn how to grab hold of miracles and make them happen.
It seems most people would rather talk about a problem than offer a solution, or complain rather than praise.
In difficult financial times, what or whom do you trust? This two-part teaching will help you overcome fear and keep your trust in the right place.
Understand how to stop living life up and down like a yo-yo. Anchor yourself in the foundational truths Jesus shared with His disciples and withstand every challenge with strength and resilience.
Religion has its own "sacred cows", wrong beliefs that are kept alive no matter the cost. In this series, Andrew is taking them all to the slaughterhouse.
Every truly "born-again" Christian knows God as Saviour, but there's more to knowing God than forgiveness of sins.
This teaching looks at the life of David, the only person the Lord called "a man after mine own heart," and makes direct applications to our lives today.
Elijah's life is full of examples, both good and bad, of how we are to walk with the Lord in a way that will make a difference.
In Lessons from Joseph, Andrew Wommack will show you how to guard the dreams God has given you from any attack of doubt or fear.
Despite all the commercialism, the message of God's love for mankind rings louder at Christmas than any other time of the year.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Life at Conception, learn when human life really begins.
These three questions are the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. Where did I come from? Who am I? Where am I going?
Living in God's best can become a lifestyle -a permanent address - rather than somewhere we go to briefly escape the pressures of our lives.
Grace and faith are often seen as opposing forces. The truth is that grace and faith are both essential ingredients in our walk with the Lord.
There's more to being a disciple than simply faith in Jesus. That might sound hard to believe, but that's exactly what Jesus Himself said.
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Philippians: Paul’s Letter to His Partners, you will discover how to find joy and fulfillment by putting God and others first.
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is a comforting ministry, not a ministry of condemnation. Also it is to convince believers of their right standing in Jesus Christ and their authority over the devil.
God created the world with faith filled words. He demonstrated that words have the power to create and that creation responds to words. If you can understand that, it will change your life.
The Bible says in Romans 8:24 that "hope" is for that which is not seen. How can you see something that isn't there? The answer may surprise you.
There are spiritual dynamics involved in partnering with the Gospel. True partnership will change your life once you understand its biblical purpose and God's heart toward it.
The crucifixion of Christ is the centrepiece of world history, yet few understand what the real meaning and power of the cross is.
It's more than theology; it's practical. Your understanding will determine what you are able to receive from God, not just in eternity, but here and now.
The Law was not God's first choice. Andrew explains that the whole purpose of the Law was to show us our need for a Saviour.
Let Andrew Wommack guide you through Paul’s lessons on grace and teach you how to experience freedom and walk in New Testament blessings!
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Seven Steps to Victory, learn how to trust in God, get in the battle, see the victory, and fight with all your might.
- Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword is a compilation and summary of 16 powerful messages that have changed the lives of thousands.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Spirit, Soul & Body, learn how to see yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit.
Understanding spiritual authority is vital. Many of us are confused and defeated because of a lack of understanding in this area. This series shows us the power that God has committed to us.
Most problems, that Christians have, come from an ignorance of God's Word or wrong teachings from His Word.
Have you heard America called a “systemically racist” nation? This belief is an absolute lie. Learn the true, inspiring story of the United States’ beginnings as Andrew Wommack interviews historians David and Tim Barton.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Ten Godly Leadership Essentials, learn how to effectively lead and influence others for God’s glory.
In The Believer’s Authority, Andrew challenges traditional legalistic Christianity and provides an in-depth, scriptural explanation of man’s authority, Satan’s authority, and how to apply God’s Word.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching The Effects of Praise, discover the impact praise has on you, on God, and on the devil!
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching, The Faith of God, learn how to tap into the laws of faith in order to make your faith affective!
Discover the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. Learn why the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit is essential for living a victorious and supernatural life today.
Andrew addresses the two most important events that will ever take place in a person's life: first, receiving salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and second, being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching The Old Man Is Dead, learn about the transformation that occurred inside you when you were born again and how to leave your sin nature behind.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching Believing Is Seeing, learn how to use your imagination to discover all that God has for you.
The Holy Spirit is more than an experience. He is the one who will come alongside every believer and help. This in-depth teaching will help you answer the question, just who is the Holy Spirit?
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching The Resurrection Changes Everything, learn how everything hinges on Christ’s resurrection!
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching The True Nature of God, encounter the real God of the Bible and discover God’s unconditional love for you, forming a life-altering relationship with God that will propel you forward in your faith.
In Andrew’s teaching Twenty Revelations That Will Change Your Life, learn how the Holy Spirit can impart revelation knowledge through God’s Word.
Let Andrew equip you with the tools you need to hear God’s voice clearly and move forward with boldness and trust!
Join Andrew Wommack as he dives into important scriptures that shed light on the biblical basis for salvation and dispel common misconceptions.
In Andrew Wommack’s teaching What Is Truth?, learn about the amazing transformation that occurs when you begin to believe entirely in the Word of God.
Andrew will guide you through the lessons he learned from the elections and show you how to be the salt and light to the world that God is calling us to be.
Experience this life-changing truth with Andrew’s Who God Is and Who We Are teaching, recorded live at the 2019 Grace & Faith Conference in England.
In his Who Told You That You Were Naked? teaching, Andrew uncovers the lies you’ve believed and shares truths for overcoming them once and for all. You will understand your conscience and where it came from as you learn how to choose freedom instead of condemnation.
What is the true meaning of righteousness? This teaching will also show you how to become righteous, how to receive righteousness, and how to walk in it daily.
This DVD album was recorded from the Gospel Truth TV broadcast. Each DVD contains one week of programs.
The true key to the Christian life is to stop asking the Lord to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper you, and start believing and commanding.